Mar 25, 2011

BEEC Finance Panel


The Babson Energy and Environment Conference is coming up and we wanted to bring your attention to the many VCs on the finance panel.  The biggest challenge to adoption with many cleantech innovations is their financing.  This panel will discuss possible solutions as well as what is being funded now.

Financing Strategies: Funding Your Green Venture

This panel will bring together both business operators and financiers to discuss the state of financing green ventures in today’s economy.  The panel will look at the latest trends and innovations in debt, equity, and project financing in the cleantech space, and discuss both challenges and potential opportunities.  Panelists will discuss where the capital is flowing, how the latest are deals being structured, who the biggest winners and losers are, and how “financial entrepreneurs” can play an integral role in helping the new green economy to grow.

·         Jon Abe – Senior Vice President, Nexamp
·         Carry Bullock – CEO, ThermoEnergy Corp.
·         Sheeraz Haji– CEO, Cleantech Group
·         Chuck McDermott – General Partner, Rockport Capital
·         Moderator: Mark Donohue – Clean Technology Entrepreneur-in-Residence, Babson College

Register today at to be a part of this exciting event!