Oct 28, 2010

Babson Venture Capital & Private Equity Club Newsletter: Oct 28, 2010


This next week is full of great events.  Make sure you plan ahead and make some time for learning more about the industry and networking.

The venue for the angel event has been upgraded to 
MassChallenge Auditorium, One Marina Park Drive, Boston, MA 02210.

We are trying to gauge the size of the crowd, so please register here.  But don't let registration stop you from bringing last minute friends!  We are always working on more events (We are brainstorming on a Cleantech event and a Gaming event right now) so if you have a speaker you would like to bring in, or an event you would like to see, let us know!

Also, we want the club to be as big and vital as possible.  So if you have a friend that is interested, curious, or thinks they might be the next great investor or entrepreneur, bring them along to any club event.

If you know anyone who is interested, anyone can join our mailing list by sending a blank email to join-bvcpe@listserv.babson.edu.

Upcoming Events

Follow all of BVCPE clubs events at our Google Calendar and our Life @ Babson page.


Angel Groups Nuts and Bolts:  Thur. 11/4 @ 6:00pm - 8:00pm - MassChallenge Auditorium, One Marina Park Drive, Boston, MA 02210

Cohosted by Bostinnovation
Are you an aspiring VC, entrepreneur, or angel investor?  Discover what you need to know before you walk in the door.  Angel Groups are a sophisticated and growing force in the startup landscape.  Their members are experienced and savvy, but keep the workings of their groups to themselves.  This event will blow off that cover as several of the leaders of Boston's most prominent angel groups go into the details of how their groups work.  They will explain:

    •    What they decide when you leave the room.
    •    The life of a deal, from discovery to screening to a presentation to due diligence to investment and beyond.
    •    What not to do if you want a call back.
    •    How to become a member.
Panelists will include Michael Mark of Walnut Ventures, Chris Sheehan of Common Angels, Hambleton Lord of Launchpad Ventures,Ben Litauer of Boston Harbor Angels, and Jean Hammond of Golden Seeds.  The event will be moderated by Babson's own Robert Adler.  This will be one of the largest club events this fall and will be attended by entrepreneurs throughout the Boston community.  It will be a great opportunity to network and learn more about the Boston startup scene.  Mark your calendars and tell your friends.
We are trying to gauge the size of the crowd, so please register here.  But don't let registration stop you from bringing last minute friends!

VCIC Training Session 1: Early November - TBA

This is the first of several training sessions for the upcoming VCIC competition.  After a short introduction to VCIC, you will get a good overview of the industry, including opportunity assessment and basic valuation methods. Hosted by Prof. Andrew Zacharachis.   Past participants note: Unless you have been to the regional competition, you are still eligible to compete.  You can compete in the Babson competition as many times as you want.

Other Events

Know of an event that you don't see listed?  Email me at arthurawaton@gmail.com
For more events in the Boston startup scene, check out Greenhorn Connect, at http://greenhornconnect.com/events/calendar
 and for help paying all those registration fees, visit Stay in MA, at http://www.stayinma.com/home

BAWMBA Women in Finance Event: Monday, November 1st @ 5:30 - 7:00 pm - Wellesley Room (patio side), Babson College

Olin Hall
'Women In Finance' is a event organized by Babson Association of Women MBAs each fall. It provides an opportunity for students to learn from successful women with careers in finance. It is an excellent networking opportunity to mingle with industry leaders and ask questions in an informal setting. Refreshments will be served!
Please RSVP directly to Jen Griffin:  jgriffin2@babson.edu .  Only 30 spots available!

Raising Capital in Today’s Economy: A Conversation Among Investment Professionals: 11/3 @ 4:30pm-6:30pm - Needham Wellesley Room, Olin Hall
Register Here
Panel Discussion featuring:
Larry Begley, Co-Founder and Managing Director, .406 Ventures
Jean Hammond, Entrepreneur and Investor, The Capital Network
Bill LaPoint, Partner, Halpern, Denny & Co.
Tim McMahon, Managing Director, Covington Associates
Moderator: Professor Richard Bliss

4:30 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.             Registration
5:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.             Welcome, Panel Presentation, and Q & A
6:00 p.m. – 6:30 p.m.             Networking Reception

Lifesciences and Healthcare Venture Summit: 10/21 - Digital Sandbox, New York City

Whether you're seeking funding, partnerships or new investment opportunities, The Life Sciences & Healthcare Venture Summit, now in its 7th year, is one event you won't want to miss.  This premier forum for the emerging growth bioscience industry will feature:

    •    35+ Venture Capital Speakers
    •    5 Venture Capital Panels
    •    50 of the Hottest Emerging Companies Seeking Funding
    •    Emerging Company Presentations
    •    High Level Networking Opportunities

More information here: http://www.youngstartup.com/lifesciences2010/overview.php

Yale School of Management: 11/12

For a decade, the Yale School of Management Private Equity Conference has been the premier university-backed, professionally-focused industry event. Join our world-renowned keynotes, expert panelists, and fellow industry leaders at our tenth annual conference on November 12th, 2010 to take part in our tradition of excellence and learn from a decade of insight.  Register now athttp://pe.som.yale.edu.  Save 10% on registration by using codePEHub.

Harvard Cyberposium: 11/13 - Harvard Business School

Cyberposium is the premier MBA technology conference in the world. Held annually at Harvard Business School, Cyberposium facilitates an interactive network of current and future business leaders to engage in a provocative dialog about technology and its impact on business and society.

MIT VC Conference: 11/19 @ 8:00am-7:00pm - Charles Hotel, 1 Bennet St., Cambridge, MA

The MIT Venture Capital Conference brings together venture capitalists, rising entrepreneurs, and industry leaders to discuss current opportunities and challenges in Venture Capital investing. The theme for 2010, Here & Now, returns the focus to the entrepreneur and building companies in the present. The full day Conference will be held on November 19th, at the Charles Hotel in Cambridge.  Steve Case, co-founder of AOL and Brian McAndrews, Managing Director of the Madrona Venture Group, will be keynote speakers.

The New England Venture Summit: 12/10 - Hilton, Boston Dedham

Whether you are an investor seeking access to new early stage deals, or a CEO or Founder of a new venture looking for funding, visibility and growth, the New England Venture Summit is one event you won’t want to miss.  This exclusive full-day Venture Capital Summit will feature:
    •    40+ Venture Capital Speakers
    •    5 Venture Capital Panels
    •    50 of the Hottest Emerging Companies Seeking Funding
    •    Emerging Company Presentations
    •    High Level Networking Opportunities
More information here: http://www.youngstartup.com/newengland2010/overview.php

The Capital Network - Upcoming Events:

Oct. 21 - Expert Lunch
Deep Dive: Angel and Venture Capital Term Sheets
Oct. 26 - Life Sciences Event
Life Science Licensing: Opportunities, Challenges and Traps for the Unwary
Nov. 9 - Venture FastTrack
TCN Venture Fast Track
Nov. 16 - Start-Me-Up Legal Advice Series Lunch - Part 2
Start-Me-Up Legal Advice Lunch Series for College Entrepreneurs: IP for Startups
Dec. 1 - Women's Entrepreneurship Breakfast
How to Build an Entrepreneurship Ecosystem for Women in Greater Boston

For information on all TCN events, check http://thecapitalnetwork.org/programs.upcoming.php

Masschallenge Upcoming Events: http://www.masschallenge.org/resources/events/calendar

Entretech Forums Upcoming Events:
For more check http://www.entretechforum.org/2_calendar.htm

November 16, 2010  Digital Media & Gaming
December 21, 2010  Energy Storage: Focus on batteries
January 18, 2011  Communications Intersections of smart-phone/netbook/laptop/desktop web services

MIT Enterprise Forum Events: http://www.mitforumcambridge.org/category/events/upcoming/

Links, Articles and Resources


Oct 22, 2010

Babson Venture Capital & Private Equity Club Newsletter: Oct 22, 2010


We have some great events to bring you this fall, so clear your schedules and get ready.  VCIC training is kicking off, Peer-to-Peer Career week will help you prepare for your job search, and our Angel Event is prepped to be one of the biggest events in the Boston startup community this November.  We are always working on more events (We are brainstorming on a Cleantech event and a Gaming event right now) so if you have a speaker you would like to bring in, or an event you would like to see, let us know!

Also, we want the club to be as big and vital as possible.  So if you have a friend that is interested, curious, or thinks they might be the next great investor or entrepreneur, bring them along to any club event.

People can join our mailing list by sending a blank email to join-bvcpe@listserv.babson.edu

Upcoming Events

Follow all of BVCPE clubs events at our Google Calendar and our Life @ Babson page.

VC Industry Overview: Tue. 10/26 @ 5:00pm  - Malloy 102

Attorney John Hession of Cooley will be our guest as he provides an overview and the issues currently facing the Venture Capital Industry.  The VC industry has had a wild ride of late, and John will spare no drama as he takes you on every up and down.  Club members will also share resources and events to become more involved in the Boston startup community, and some tactics to maybe, just maybe, land a VC job.

1st Annual GSC Peer-to-Peer Career Week: Thur. 10/28 @ 5pm - Olin 102

Join our club, along with Babson Investment Management Association, Babson Corporate Finance Club, and ALPFA, as our group of clubs feature a panel of students and alums sharing their experiences in the club's area of expertise. Panelists will reflect the diversity of the Babson MBA student and alum community.

Angel Groups Nuts and Bolts:  Thur. 11/4 @ 6:00pm - 8:00pm - Downtown Boston, exact location TBA

Cohosted by Bostinnovation

Are you an aspiring VC, entrepreneur, or angel investor?  Discover what you need to know before you walk in the door.  Angel Groups are a sophisticated and growing force in the startup landscape.  Their members are experienced and savvy, but keep the workings of their groups to themselves.  This event will blow off that cover as several of the leaders of Boston's most prominent angel groups go into the details of how their groups work.  They will explain:

    •    What they decide when you leave the room.
    •    The life of a deal, from discovery to screening to a presentation to due diligence to investment and beyond.
    •    What not to do if you want a call back.
    •    How to become a member.

Panelists will include Michael Mark of Walnut Ventures, Chris Sheehan of Common Angels, Hambleton Lord of Launchpad Ventures, and representation from Boston Harbor Angels.  The event will be moderated by Babson's own Robert Adler.  This will be one of the largest club events this fall and will be attended by entrepreneurs throughout the Boston community.  It will be a great opportunity to network and learn more about the Boston startup scene.  Mark your calendars and tell your friends.

VCIC Training Session 1: Early November - TBA

This is the first of several training sessions for the upcoming VCIC competition.  After a short introduction to VCIC, you will get a good overview of the industry, including opportunity assessment and basic valuation methods. Hosted by Prof. Andrew Zacharachis.   Past participants note: Unless you have been to the regional competition, you are still eligible to compete.  You can compete in the Babson competition as many times as you want.

Other Events

Know of an event that you don't see listed?  Email me at arthurawaton@gmail.com
For more events in the Boston startup scene, check out Greenhorn Connect, at http://greenhornconnect.com/events/calendar
 and for help paying all those registration fees, visit Stay in MA, at http://www.stayinma.com/home

Raising Capital in Today’s Economy: A Conversation Among Investment Professionals: 11/3 @ 4:30pm-6:30pm - Needham Wellesley Room, Olin Hall

Panel Discussion featuring:
Larry Begley, Co-Founder and Managing Director, .406 Ventures
Jean Hammond, Entrepreneur and Investor, The Capital Network
Bill LaPoint, Partner, Halpern, Denny & Co.
Tim McMahon, Managing Director, Covington Associates
Moderator: Professor Richard Bliss

4:30 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.             Registration
5:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.             Welcome, Panel Presentation, and Q & A
6:00 p.m. – 6:30 p.m.             Networking Reception

Lifesciences and Healthcare Venture Summit: 10/21 - Digital Sandbox, New York City

Whether you're seeking funding, partnerships or new investment opportunities, The Life Sciences & Healthcare Venture Summit, now in its 7th year, is one event you won't want to miss.  This premier forum for the emerging growth bioscience industry will feature:
    •    35+ Venture Capital Speakers
    •    5 Venture Capital Panels
    •    50 of the Hottest Emerging Companies Seeking Funding
    •    Emerging Company Presentations
    •    High Level Networking Opportunities
More information here: http://www.youngstartup.com/lifesciences2010/overview.php

Yale School of Management: 11/12

For a decade, the Yale School of Management Private Equity Conference has been the premier university-backed, professionally-focused industry event. Join our world-renowned keynotes, expert panelists, and fellow industry leaders at our tenth annual conference on November 12th, 2010 to take part in our tradition of excellence and learn from a decade of insight.  Register now at http://pe.som.yale.edu.  Save 10% on registration by using codePEHub.

Harvard Cyberposium: 11/13 - Harvard Business School

Cyberposium is the premier MBA technology conference in the world. Held annually at Harvard Business School, Cyberposium facilitates an interactive network of current and future business leaders to engage in a provocative dialog about technology and its impact on business and society.

MIT VC Conference: 11/19 @ 8:00am-7:00pm - Charles Hotel, 1 Bennet St., Cambridge, MA

The MIT Venture Capital Conference brings together venture capitalists, rising entrepreneurs, and industry leaders to discuss current opportunities and challenges in Venture Capital investing. The theme for 2010, Here & Now, returns the focus to the entrepreneur and building companies in the present. The full day Conference will be held on November 19th, at the Charles Hotel in Cambridge.  Steve Case, co-founder of AOL and Brian McAndrews, Managing Director of the Madrona Venture Group, will be keynote speakers.

The New England Venture Summit: 12/10 - Hilton, Boston Dedham

Whether you are an investor seeking access to new early stage deals, or a CEO or Founder of a new venture looking for funding, visibility and growth, the New England Venture Summit is one event you won’t want to miss.  This exclusive full-day Venture Capital Summit will feature:
    •    40+ Venture Capital Speakers
    •    5 Venture Capital Panels
    •    50 of the Hottest Emerging Companies Seeking Funding
    •    Emerging Company Presentations
    •    High Level Networking Opportunities
More information here: http://www.youngstartup.com/newengland2010/overview.php

The Capital Network - Upcoming Events:

Oct. 21 - Expert Lunch
Deep Dive: Angel and Venture Capital Term Sheets

Oct. 26 - Life Sciences Event
Life Science Licensing: Opportunities, Challenges and Traps for the Unwary

Nov. 9 - Venture FastTrack
TCN Venture Fast Track

Nov. 16 - Start-Me-Up Legal Advice Series Lunch - Part 2
Start-Me-Up Legal Advice Lunch Series for College Entrepreneurs: IP for Startups

Dec. 1 - Women's Entrepreneurship Breakfast
How to Build an Entrepreneurship Ecosystem for Women in Greater Boston

For information on all TCN events, check http://thecapitalnetwork.org/programs.upcoming.php

Masschallenge Upcoming Events: http://www.masschallenge.org/resources/events/calendar

Entretech Forums Upcoming Events:
For more check http://www.entretechforum.org/2_calendar.htm

November 16, 2010  Digital Media & Gaming
December 21, 2010  Energy Storage: Focus on batteries
January 18, 2011  Communications Intersections of smart-phone/netbook/laptop/desktop web services

MIT Enterprise Forum Events: http://www.mitforumcambridge.org/category/events/upcoming/

Links, Articles and Resources


Oct 8, 2010

Venture Capital and Private Equity Club Kickoff

Hi Everyone,

It was great getting a chance to meet so many of you at the club expo. For those that we didn’t get a chance to meet, the Babson Venture Capital and Private Equity Club (“BVCPE”) educates students on all aspects of the venture capital and private equity industries, including purpose, structure, best practices, career advice, and general interest. We plan to host speaker events, provide relevant industry information, facilitate access to local events, and host the Venture Capital Investment Competition. (For those that signed up for our mailing list at the club expo, you will be receiving an email from the club shortly, if you don’t, please subscribe by following the instructions below).

We are having our first Club Information Session this Thursday (Oct. 14th) from 5:00pm – 6:30pm in Malloy 101. At this session, you’ll get a chance to meet the current leadership team, learn more about upcoming events, including career forums, speaker events, and the Venture Capital Investment Competition. We are also looking forward to hearing from everyone on suggestions/ideas you might have for the club.


The BVCPE Leadership Team

If you want to continue to get updates on the Babson VC and PE club please sign up for our mailing list by sending a blank email to join-bvcpe@listserv.babson.edu.